In Nepal MMMI works with a community of churches in the hilly part of East Nepal, north of Biratnagar. To get there you either take a 14 hour drive in a busy traffic mountainroad, or you take an airplane. The family we work with we now for ten years now. Always we stay in their house and many medical project were done together.
After some years it was clear that it was also important to build some places that could be used as hurch, as shelter place for the elderly and handicapped, and as place to do medical consultations.
And so we did. By now MMMI has sponsored the building of three churches and we are still involved in that. Besides the relief work in the corona time the plan is to go there again, and one day to help medical missionaires to settle there.
The project 2020/21 involves the finishing of the building that has already been done. And after that we want to get a budget for the plans to build a small clinic. MMMI usually is involved in getting the inventory, so i suppose that we will do now again.
For this project NEPAL 2020/21 if you want to help that would be fantastic, in that case please label your donation with this label
Many thanks and God Bless you.