Education, seminars, coaching
MMMI is involved in leadership seminars. Our seminars focus on specific themes. For example, MMMI was involved in a leadership seminar in Ambon, based on Today Matters, one of the books of the Pastor and leadership trainer, John C. Maxwell. Recently in Jakarta, a seminar was done around the subject of church planting. Another form of interaction with leaders is through the so-called Mastermind groups. This involves groups of 7-12 people that work through leadership material, in the understanding that the collective can master problems and find answers where one cannot. Leadership training also involves the long-term support of individuals to help strengthen his or her problem solving abilities and develop their vision.
Our approach to coaching is underpinned by the idea that the resources for decision-making and problem-solving are latent within individuals or given to him or her by grace. Our coaching helps people actualise these gifts and equips them for mission. Our coaching is focused, and bound by rules of neutrality and accountabiliy. It is a very rewarding part of our work: It builds long term friendships with people that have the capacity to plant and grow great works.
Education has a special place in MMMI. In the past MMMI sponsored the education of medical students and nurses and some of these sponsered individuals are mission partners with us now.
Upcoming seminars or other educational activities, alongside audio or youtube material from seminars will be posted on this website.
To log in into the possibillity of coaching, it is best to send an email to Dr Reis at
Conferences are basicly the organization pattern for the prophetic ministry and the healing ministry on a larger scale.
A Seminar is usually done in a weekend. It contains usually 3 sessions. It is interactive, with use of Powerpoint presentations.
The leadership coaching is a side activity within MMMI is done by Peter Reis.
Since 2000 MMMI has organized a mission training school for medical teams.