

Why a strategy of churchplanting. Does MMMI not do enough with all that involves serving teaching and teamvisiting. It is not by accident that churchplanting came upon the agenda of MMMI.
It was recieved during a revival in Paarl, doing street relief help together with the team of the Church of Restoration. Later we learned , that one of the ladies that was in thatr conference, started a prayer group in a ver poor town ship in the Eastern Cape. A year later we were there, and had the honor to preach there in the newplanted church. A sortlike storie happened in Suriname after one of our mission trips to the Inland. And in Mozambique through the combined ministry of one of the doctors that worked with MMMI and Corry Ockhyzen, missionary of the Embassy church there. And now, thourgh the visits in Nepal where God used the different MMMI teams, already the third church has been build.

In the picture connected to this page we see a very special moment, when Peter Reis senior and junior lay the cornerstone of a new to build church.
I showed him the old pictures. His remark was great:


“Don’t forget that the church is not about the building but about the people. Which is certainly true, but people need facilities, and what we see in Nepal, that the church there takes care of the widows and the handicapped people. See the cornerstone, now there is a beautiful churchbuilding that is multifunctional.”

Last year  we received a request of pastors in Bogor Jakarta, please let us do a seminar on churchplanting. The secret of churchplanting is that you create a hub , a platform, a secure place for people that want to follow Christ, but cannot do this on their own. It is the place of the foundations of christian faith, conversion, discipleshiptraining, baptism, communion, witnessing and preparing the heart on the return of Christ.

One day MMMI worked side by side with christians in a Favela in Rio de Janeiro, many drugaddicts were connected for the first time to Jesus, so there was need of a church, a place in the area were no one dared to go.

Also in the Netherlands, many churches are big and visible, but there is a need of new local churches that develop in the houses, as this is biblical, the first centruies the churches came together in houses, before the religion became the state religion.

MMMI in India

MMMI supports the ministry of our young friends. This couple lives and works under the poorest cast in India. They travel around to the villages and do medical and social work.

MMMI in Lesotho

The work of MMMI though Kele, our youth worker in Lesotho is continuing now for 5 years.

MMMI in Indonesia

There is a group of abandoned children and orphans, and our partner organization Mercy Indonesia has  initiated a new project.

MMMI in Brazil

One of the oldest projects

MMMI organised different medical outreaches in Rio de Janeiro with doctors and nurses.

MMMI in Nepal

In Nepal MMMI works with a community of churches in the hilly part of East Nepal, north of Biratnagar.