Blog 4 MMMI November 2020

Blog 4 MMMI November 2020

How thankfull is it when people that you have known in their spiritual journey with Christ from the start on, more then 35 years ago, are brought back on your path in the last weeks of their life. This happened to me recently when it was brought to my attention that...
Emergency Relief projects

Emergency Relief projects

Covid 19 changed the MMMI effort a lot. When we look at the expenses of the last 7 months most funds have been dedicated for Relief Projects MMMI coordinators were active in food production in Nepal , Lesotho, India Financial Report Januari until August 1, 2020...
Blog 4 MMMI November 2020

Jaarverslag MMMI 2017

Jaarverslag MMMI 2017 Bestuur:  Yolanda Reis, Jacob Jan Heemstra, Peter en Jeannette Reis, Tineke Ekkendonk, Richard en Daisy van de Hout. In 2017 heeft Tineke van Ekkendonk zich teruggetrokken uit het bestuur. Veel dank Tineke voor de periode dat je hebt bijgedragen...