It is in 2022, when the Corona Pandemic was under control, that traveling to the different Countries that have an MMMI partner or worker was again possible.
In this short overview the state of our commitment to those projects and partners is shown. It is only recently that new seminars and prophetic revival meetings were done in collaboration with local partners in Asia. We live in an exciting time as doors to move are again open.
Our fellow workers in India received the donation of a car. Different sponsors gave tot hat. The car is used while I write this for all kinds of ministry activities in a large area of middle India. Those activities are education, training of leaders and above all children’s ministry. Material support for families with blankets, packages with groceries or other tools needed for childraising are often part of these outreaches. There is a long term vision to set up an NGO. In fact the basic administrative steps are already done. It though will take some years before sponsors from other countries can support. Therefore, all financial support from MMMI goes through close personal contacts.
Girish Karki, the MMMI director for Nepal, received a monthly salary of 150 Euro each month. This will help him to be much more available for traveling in the Eastern part of Nepal. As a nurse he is a great example of someone that combines caregiving with Christian ministry. We love him very much, he is a long term friend, he has hosted many teams. One of the main supporters now is the church, St John’s en St Philip’s in Den Haag.
In march Peter will be visiting the missionary’s family van de Spek. They will work together in a conference for leaders and a marriage seminar.
November 2022 MMMI was involved in one of the greatest projects until now in Indonesia (in terms of budget and scale). In partnership with the Geresia Gerakan Pentekosta (Pinkstergemeente Indonesia) 7 cities were visited with seminars. Theme’ s: Healing Ministry in the Marker Place, The prophetic ministry. Empowering of emerging leaders (teaching and prophetic ministry). New Insights and keys on Church planting. 28 en 29 March GGP celebrate her hundred year of existence in Indonesia.
Malaysia was visited for the third time. This time in partnership with the Diocese of West Malaysia. In some twenty churches revival meetings happened. This took three weeks and driving a thousand and more miles.
Kehle is entering a new phase. This year, with support from MMMI he started with higher education. In the future this makes it possible for him to develop projects.
Daisy van de Hout translated one of Peter’s book in Portugese, publishing will also be as E book through our web designer and publisher.
Social Media
A new WhatsApp group “Friends in Mission” was formed to bring together all of our mission friends. Encouraging to see how they communicate together over the vast boundaries of continents.
Our Board
The MMMI board saw the coming of Mark Huizinga. Mark is a medical doctor who is currently in his training years to become a general practitioner. Our financial administration is going over from Jorij to Rebecca. We are so very thankful for that.
Theological study
A short report from Peter: “When I finished the Master on Ministerial Studies in 2020 I had no idea to continue. But especially during the corona time it was so obvious that further study was not only possible but also necessary to be able to continue working together with seminaries in an accredited way. Until now revival meetings and seminars were build on the presence of God, his anointing, the many years of experience, study and reading. Now it is time to go to another level. This culminated in a startup with a Doctoral study in the USA. An interesting challenge as I work still as a GP in the Netherlands some days a week. I intend to finish three modules a year.”
Safeguarding Policy
MMMI wants to have a clear policy on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people that we meet in our church meetings, seminars and medical outreaches. MMMI Holland is a mission partner with the Anglican Church. This denomination has developed a very good program on this. Peter did some of the courses in this church on safeguarding and the plan is to make it more visible on our website in the future and in our communications with partners in the mission field.