
Report Conference Oxfordshire Januari 2020

Report conference in Malaysia in juli 2019

Report Conferences in East Nepal in December 2018

Report Conferences in Bandung and Bogor
Conferences are basicly the organization pattern for the prophetic ministry and the healing ministry on a larger scale. They are planned ahead ( sometimes 1-2 years), need admission, catering , sometimes hosting and a lot of other organizaitional details, which can only be carried either by a group of partners, like churches, or a partner that has experience with larger groups.
Good planning, good accountability in partnership are important. In poor countries it is quite normal that the visiting team swill bring with them resources, but it is important that any attendant is also willing to support the conference with a fee.
We hope to be able from 2021 again to set out on these.
From mow on we would like to open up the possibility that churches communicate with us with requests for conferences to hold on their premises.
Please see our contact details and send a personal e mail to the board of MMMI of dr Peter Reis


The leadership coaching is a side activity within MMMI is done by Peter Reis.

Since 2000 MMMI has organized a mission training school for medical teams.